Code of Conduct
Actions by students, parents, guardians and teachers, whether verbal or nonverbal, can have a lasting emotional effect on children. As a parent or guardian your actions reflect not only on you, but your child and the studio.
We have a zero tolerance policy regarding the possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or weapons of any kind in the studio, at rehearsal, competition, conventions, recitals, trips or other events.
Foul language towards anyone will not be tolerated. Language or actions with the intent to initiate, hurt, intimidate or humiliate anyone will not be tolerated.
Posting on any social media site with the intent to initiate, hurt, intimidate or humiliate will not be tolerated. The posting of negative, demeaning or derogatory comments will not be tolerated. These acts shall be considered harassment and may result in the immediate removal from the studio.
Parents are accountable for the actions of their child on social media sites. Please express to your child the importance of proper conduct on these sites and provide parental oversight to prevent any type of cyber-bullying.
Refrain from conduct such as booing, taunting or using profane language or gestures. Maintain self-control in the studio, at rehearsal, recitals, during competition and convention and other team events.
Do not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and wellbeing of the dancers.
Encourage your child to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence and to treat all others with respect.
Never will never ridicule or yell at your child or other participant for making a mistake.
Do not complain or become confrontational and respect the teachers, Director, the Studio Owner and their decisions at all times.
Support the teachers and the Director and allow them to do their job by not coaching your child or other dancers. Do not openly question or confront teachers, the Director or Studio Owner before, during or after class. Take the time to speak with studio staff about any concerns calmly, privately and at an agreed upon time and place.
Promote the emotional and physical well-being of your dancer ahead of any personal desire.
Do not engage in gossip, spread rumors, attempt to disrupt, create drama or a toxic environment within the studio.
Any concerns about studio policy, procedures, contracts, fees, or any other concern please address directly with the Director or Studio Owner calmly and privately and at an agreed upon time and place and I do not involve any other parents or staff.
Violating this Code of Conduct, you may be subject to disciplinary action that could include one or more, but not limited to the following:
-Verbal warning
-Written Warning
-Parental suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file
-Parental/Dancer suspension (dancer and parent removal from the studio)
NGPA reserves the right to remove any Parent/Guardian/Dancer at any time for any reason.